3 Years Later.....

I’ll be honest with you….

I totally gave up on my blog.

I mean, most “bloggers” actually make money from their blogs but if I’m being fully honest I have never monetized this thing. But I always loved to blog. I think my IG feed and stories became more like a blog and a quicker easier way to share.

Plus I share a lot on my podcast . I pour my heart and soul into my podcast Glow From Within and there’s only so much of that to go around. I have to manage my energy well and make sure I’m not over giving or getting to a space where I’ll be left feeling bitter AF. #projectorlife

Maybe I’ll do a blog post on Human Design one day! I’m no expert but understanding my design has definitely been liberating. I’m projector with a sounding board authority.

Silly as it is, I really felt like no one really cared about the blog and I totally lost momentum. Like there, are so many great bloggers out there… Why in the world would you need or want yet another voice?

Do people still read blogs?

I’m genuinely asking.

Not for a friend.

For myself.

Should I bother spending my time blogging?

I don’t really know, but alas here I am!

My blog was where this whole life I have started for me. I just wanted to share my life and then eventually began sharing content and serving in my posts. I hope you’ve loved them and found them helpful over the years.

SO the last time I blogged I was a new mommy.

Now I’m a seasoned mom of two.

I lived in Virginia.

I didn’t know that I spiritual gifting.

I didn’t know that I was an empath.

I wasn’t a certified FDN Practitioner

I hadn’t really done any energy healing or shadow work.


S o much has happened. So much has changed. I know myself so much more deeply now. The work I do with women is SO much deeper now.

As I heal and evolve and share you evolve and grow and heal too.

We get to do it together because we calibrate to those we chose to surround ourselves with.

I remember when this blog was my space to come clean about having PCOS. To announce my pregnancy. To talk about quitting my corporate job to follow my dreams. I really have shared so much of my life here with you on the interwebs and I’m so happy you’re here. Maybe it’s been too long and you don’t care anymore, or maybe you don’t like to read blogs anymore, or maybe you’re brand new to my world and meeting me for the first time…. Maybe you’re so happy to be reading this!

The truth is, I don’t know.

But I know that I want to write this so I’m here writing it.

For my OG followers… Do you remember the days when I didn’t know if I would ever be able to have a baby? It’s honestly just amazing how life shifts and evolves. How much has changed.

There’s really too much to update you on with in this one post today BUT I’m really happy to say hi again on the blog.

SO hi!

xo, Harmony

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